Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Entry 5: March Holidays

Hi Kids

The one week break was too short for me. I didn't have the time to do much leisure activities during the period.

Like most of you, I was in school on Monday and Tuesday as usual doing school work such as marking your activity books and worksheets, attending school workshop. So who says you are the only one who has a busy hectic? Seems like all of us were doing work during the holidays :)

Nevertheless, there was an occasion where I went to Senimbong Seafood Centre, in Johor Bahru, to have sumptious dinner by the sea. You could see Sembawang Shipyard across the sea. It feels as if you could swim across for less than 5 min and be on Singapore's land. Can you imagine if we could do that? We need not use the passport or face the traffic jam to get in or out of Singapore but of course, the coastal guards are there to ensure that we don't do that :)

So that's all for now. It's my turn now to visit your blog and read your post. Hope that you did something more interesting than me.

Ms Sue

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Entry 2: Chinese New Year 2009

Hello Again

Time flies so fast! It's another year in the Chinese Lunar New Year. The week before CNY, my students of class 5.4 were busy decorating the classroom. The class has been transformed into Chinatown :O) They brought lots of decorations, hangbaos and self-made OX to make the class beautiful. They even spent some afternoons in school to decorate the class. Well done, kids. I'm so proud of you. This is what I call 'INDEPENDENCE' and it requires 'SELF DISCIPLINED' to make it happened.

During CNY, I spent most of the time at home :) I wanted to go out but most of the shops were closed. Orchard Road was like a ghost town. Can you imagine almost no one was in town. What was I thinking? Of course, Orchard Rd was not bustling as usual as most of the shoppers and sellers were busy collecting hangbaos, like my students. I wonder who would collect the most $$ in my class. He or she can donate to 'Ms Sue's Trust Fund'. Just kidding! I hope my kids are able to save the money and use it wisely, especially nowadays the economy is not doing well compared to years ago. So kids, please save your money in the piggy bank and think twice or thrice before spending it :)

Entry 1: Dec Holidays

Hi Kids

Most of the December holidays, I was in Singapore. The Christmas Sale @ Orchard Road was rather attractive and I spent most of my free time in town. Sometimes, I would buy things for the new year or friends who were celebrating Christmas.

Other than that, I was in my second home, Anderson Primary School, preparing for the 2009 work :(

I did not go anywhere far last December except to KL for a short 3D2N trip. Guess what I did there? Of course, more walking and shopping.

That was how I spent my December holidays. How about you ?

~Ms Sue~